A yearbook is supposed to be a place for memories, but truthfully, some yearbooks are worth forgetting. A dull, unexciting year book is easily forgotten as it will not bring out special memories of former classmates and friends with whom you shared those memorable high school years.

There are two important things that make a yearbook stand out and memorable – yearbook design and layout.


Yearbook design is arguably the most crucial aspect when creating a yearbook. Ideally, an open-minded approach to yearbook design is the best. Sticking to stereotypes and classics may limit your ideas and hence, you end up with a dull design. If you’re stuck with the design, use a grade level survey to get ideas. When you tally the survey results, look out for responses that overlap. Since yearbooks are normally categorized by grade, you can have a unique design for each grade depending on how the students responded.

Another great way to come up with design ideas is by portraying any of the big events you had during that school year on paper. A memorable event is worth being portrayed on paper and this can be a great design idea that will constantly bring back memories of that event several years later.


The second most crucial thing is yearbook layout. Incidentally, layout and design go hand in hand, so when you get the perfect match for both, you’ll create a truly memorable yearbook. A yearbook layout should match with the theme of the yearbook. While many considerations are made for the layout, there are a couple of important ones that shouldn’t be missed, including the following:

  • There should be one topic per page. When you try to include several things and themes onto a single page, it will look messy and untidy.
  • You should leave out some white space as it helps to highlight a picture. So, don’t be afraid to incorporate white space.
  • Don’t use too many font types on a single page. Ideally, you should use one font type to make your book look professional.
  • Keep the number of pictures per page to five. Pictures play a crucial role in a good yearbook layout. For this reason, you must put careful thought into both the quality and quantity of pictures that go on a page. That said, this rule is not written in stone as there are many creative layouts that have been designed. You can tweak the presentation and number of pictures in a spread appropriately.

These quick tips should give you a good start for your yearbook layout and design. You can tweak a few things if you’re creative enough but generally, using these tips will create a yearbook worth remembering.

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